【學位考試】因應疫情學位考試相關措施 Measures for Oral Examination in Response to COVID-19

1. 因應防疫三級警戒,即日起研究所資格考口試、學位考試一律改以視訊方式舉行,視訊考試者於學位考試成績資料表紀錄即可,無需事先申請。
Due to the nationwide rise of the Covid-19 alert level, from now on oral exams for qualification examinations and thesis defenses must be conducted online via video conference. The students only need to specify the examination method on the Thesis Defense Grading Sheet, no additional application is required in advance.

2. 考試委員須於同一時段共同參與,且不得委託他人代表。各院系所可自行規範是否須錄影、錄音留存。
All committee members should participate in the online oral exam simultaneously, and members shall not entrust representatives to attend in their stead. Each college shall regulate whether video/ audio documentation of the examinations is required.

3. 口試須簽名之文件得以簽名電子檔或郵寄紙本方式辦理,辦理方式由各院系所自行統一規範。
Each college shall regulate whether oral examination documents shall be handled in e-file (electronic signature) or by direct-mail (paper copies).