【陽明校區】陽明校區學生宿舍防疫守則(2021年7月1日) COVID-19 Prevention Measures for Dormitory Residents on Yangming Campus (July 1, 2021)

  1. 落實門禁管制:住宿生刷卡進入宿舍,避免其他人尾隨進入。
    Entrance control: residents must use personal access cards to enter the dormitory and are cautioned to not let any outsiders follow you into the building .
  2. 管制人員進出:非必要,謝絕家長、廠商與訪客等進出宿舍,若有洽公者須親至管理員室落實登記作業。
    Personnel access control: parents, vendors and visitors are not allowed to enter the dormitories if not necessary. Outsiders who are on business must register at the dormitory manager’s office.
  3. 加強個人防疫措施:戴口罩、勤洗手、保持社交距離,和維持室內通風。
    Individual universal precautions (IUPs): wear face masks, wash your hands often, keep to social distance guidelines , and improve indoor air circulation.
  4. 住宿生需自我通報健康狀況與實名制
    All residents are required to report their health status and comply with real-name registration.
    1. 請利用「陽明交大防疫智能平台」,自我通報體溫、出現感染症狀、旅遊史、接觸史,以及是否群聚等。
      Please register and login to the “NYCU Epidemic Prevention System (e-platform)” and report your temperature, symptoms, travel history, contact history, and group history.
    2. 登入平台手機掃QR code,首次登入需詳實填寫個人資料、住宿宿舍,與寢室號碼,於「是否住學校宿舍?」,勾選「住宿」。若有註冊和登入的問題,請洽資通中心(分機123)
      Login to the platform using the following QR code (or at http://health.nycu.edu.tw).When you first login to the system, please fill in your personal information, dormitory building and room number. Please check “Yes” for the question “Do you live in a dormitory at school?”. If you encounter any registration or login problems, please contact IT Service Center (#123).
    3. 執行時機
      When to use the e-platform
      1. 入住當天:若有症狀或健康平台顯示”疑似”或高危個案,一律不得進入宿舍。並視情況返家休息或就醫;如無法返家者,應先安置於隔離空間或隔離宿舍。
        On move-in day: if you have symptoms or the e-platform shows that you are a “suspected” or “high-risk” case, you are not allowed to enter the dormitory. Please return to your home or go to a hospital. If you are unable to go home, you will be transferred to a quarantine area or dormitory.
      2. 入住後,無論是否每日都住在宿舍內
        After moving into the dormitory, you must report your status to the e-platform everyday regardless of whether you are staying in the dormitory or not.
        • 所有住民每日均需做自我健康監測,上傳體溫至平台並完成相關之評估資料填答。
          All residents are required to login to the e-platform everyday to report their health status including temperature and health assessment .
        • 若有疑似症狀或接觸史者,請依據本校疑似個案通報處理流程,通報防疫小組,以利落實防疫工作。
          If you have suspected symptoms or contact history, please follow the University’s suspected case notification process and notify the epidemic prevention team listed below for assistance and medical care.
        • 通報專線:
          上班時間或平常日 02-2826-7000 轉 67212、62952 (衛保組)下班時間或例假日 02-2826-1100 (校安中心)
          Office hours on weekdays: call 02-2826-7000 ext. 67212, 62952 (Security Section); Outside office hours or on weekends/holidays: call 02-2826-1100 (School Safety Center).
    4. 平台簡介
      Introduction of the e-platform