



因應住宿管理委員會決議,本學期住宿生需憑「健康憑證」辦理入住學校宿舍 (健康憑證以下三項擇一即可:安心就學篩檢陰性、疫苗注射至少一劑施打證明、三日內醫療院所PCR或快篩陰性證明),故本校於宿舍搬遷日提供免費集中快篩服務。

  1. 9/3-9/5安心就學集中篩檢站 (醫療人員協助)預約報名網址:
  2. 博雅中心廣場篩檢亭:自認有篩檢需要的教職員工生,周一至周五(9/3暫停一天),每天上午9:00-16:00止,預約後依據時間至山下博雅中心1樓衛保組領取自篩劑並篩檢
    1) 預約報名時間:8/24起
    2) 預約報名網址 https://ehms.nycu.edu.tw/user/

篩檢活動問題,請洽衛保組張護理師(02-28267212, hcchang@nycu.edu.tw)
住宿健康憑證,請洽住服組詹先生(02-2826-7000 分機62953,twinkle789600@gmail.com)
關於遷出入,請洽宿舍管理員辦公室(02-28267000,一舍分機62316、 62317; 五舍分機62335、分機62336)

Back-to-School COVID rapid Screening service-YM campus

The COVID-19 pandemic is still spreading in the community at the moment and there are more opportunities to gather together on campus. In order to allow students to go back to school with a health state and avoid cluster infections, please implement and follow the epidemic prevention regulations. Students can check into the school dormitory with the “health certificate”.

The health certificate can be chosen from one of the following items: The Back-to-School COVID-19 Screening (rapid test) with a negative result, at least one vaccination dosage delivery certificate, PCR or rapid-test negative result certification from a medical institution within three days.

Therefore, in order to avoid the COVID-19 infection and protect the health of everyone on campus, NYCU provides the free service of COVID-19 Rapid Testing.

9/3-9/5 Back-to-School COVID rapid Screening service:

Booking link: