實體課程及期末考試建議改以線上方式進行(All in-person classes and exams are suggested to change to online)

  1. 【實體課程及期末考試建議改以線上方式進行】All in-person classes and exams are suggested to change to online
    1. 因應新冠肺炎疫情持續高漲,為保障師生安全、避免群聚感染,自即日起校園內實體教學活動(包括講授、實驗、考試、體育等),建議改以線上教學方式進行,作業應以線上上傳繳交為原則,但仍由授課教師依教學所需決定。實習依實習單位規定進行。
      Due to the rise of the COVID-19 alert level, all in-person activities, including lectures, lab courses, exams, and physical education, as well as the assignment submission are recommended to change to online. But the teachers hold the right to determine the method of course delivery. For students at clerkship in the off sites institutes or hospitals should follow the local regulation.
    2. 若仍採實體授課及考試者,請遵循本校實體上課注意事項(防疫專區公告:https://covid-news.nycu.edu.tw/),所有實體課程需有線上上課機制(同步或非同步),使學生(隔離、檢疫或自主健康管理等無法到校者)可以保持同步學習確保受教權。
      For in-person classes and exams, the teachers have to provide online options (synchronous or asynchronous) for students who are in self-quarantine, self-health management, or other pandemic constriction, etc.
    3. 實體考試可另闢第二考場同時考試,若有學生因疫情無法到考,需建立線上或補考機制。另因應居家隔離新制自5/8起實施,倘有學生申請「3 天防疫假」者,不扣減其學業評量之成績。
      For in-person exams, the teachers need to arrange a second synchronized examination room. For students cannot attend the exam due to pandemic constriction, the teachers need to provide an online or make-up exam. In addition, owing to the new strategy of quarantine from May 8, 2022, students who take the 3-day Epidemic Prevention Leave will not be deducted from their academic assessment results.
  2. 【線上考試建議方案】Suggestions for online exams
    1. 出題/答題方式:在E3數位教學平台上出題、學生線上作答;B. 於E3公布試題電子檔,請學生自備紙張作答後拍照回傳。
      Questions/answers: A. Teachers prepare the questions for students to answer on the E3 system. B. Teachers upload the questions to the E3 system and the students answer the questions on paper and photo-submit to E3 system.
    2. 監考方式:學生需自備攝影機或手機,考試期間開啟軟體視訊會議、亦可使用E3系統網路攝影機身份認證(需設定網頁授權允許使用攝影機及螢幕共用),請同學必須打開鏡頭拍攝作答實況(鏡頭避開作答區),由老師或助教全程監看。學生作答場所應光線良好、環境安靜且周圍並無其他非測驗相關之物品,以利視訊監考。
      Exam monitoring: Students need to prepare cameras or smartphones and turn on the video mode or use the webcam’s authentication of the E3 system while at an online exam. Teachers or TAs monitor all students at the exams via the video mode. The students need to stay in a quiet and bright environment at the online exams, and that camera shooting angles should avoid areas with test answers.
    3. 若授課教師有線上考試之平台使用問題,可諮詢教務處窗口:教學資源組陽明校區楊先生(分機62101)、交大校區柯先生(分機31433)
      If teachers have questions with online exams using the E3 system, please contact the Division of Teaching Resources of the Office of Academic Affairs. (Yang Ming campus, Mr. Yang, office extension: 62101) (Chiao Tung campus, Mr. Ke, office extension: 31433)
  1. 【學位考試】Qualification examinations and thesis defenses
    1. 研究所資格考口試、學位考試可採視訊方式舉行,視訊考試者於學位考試成績資料表紀錄即可,無需事先申請。
      Due to the COVID-19 pandemics constriction, oral defense for the qualification examinations and thesis defenses may be conducted online via video conference mode. The students need to choose the examination method on the Degree Examination Grade Sheet; no additional application is required in advance.
    2. 考試委員須於同一時段共同參與,且不得委託他人代表。各院系所可自行規範是否須錄影、錄音留存。
      All committee members need to participate in the online oral exam simultaneously, no substitute allowed. Each college can determine whether video/audio documentation of the examinations is required.
    3. 口試須簽名之文件得以簽名電子檔或郵寄紙本方式辦理,辦理方式由各院系所自行統一規範。
      For the oral examination documents, each college can determine whether the documents be handled in e-file (electronic signature) or by direct mail (paper copies).