20220508陽明交大防疫通報(20220508 NYCU Epidemic Prevention Announcement)



  1. 自今日(5/8)起,僅同住家人或室友確診才需匡列為密切接觸者,並完成3+4天居家隔離後,第8天快篩陰性使得返校。未被匡列之其他接觸者可正常上課上班,但仍須做好個人防護,有症狀自行請假並進行快篩。
  2. 除因與家人及室友密切接觸而隔離之教職員生外,其餘之前已匡列為密切接觸者之個案,自今日(5/8)起解除隔離後返校上課上班。
  3. 確診者發病2天內,教職員生有未戴口罩與確診者近距離接觸超過15分鐘以上者,可請3天防疫假,防疫假期間不得入校。
  4. 確診者完成7天隔離,第8天快篩陰性,可於自主健康管理期間入校,但需要遵守自主健康管理原則,避免與人近距離接觸或群聚活動、參與集會。



20220508 NYCU Epidemic Prevention Announcement

In response to the latest pandemic situation, we would like to remind our students and faculty to comply with epidemic prevention measures as follows:

  1. Only students and faculty who live in the same household or dormitory with a covid-19 infected person will have to isolation / quarantine for 3+4 days and come back to campus on the 8th day with having a negative test. Others who are not identified as close contacts can study and work in campus as usual but still need to follow the IUP principle and take a sick leave if necessary.
  2. Except for those who live in the same household or dormitory with a covid-19 infected person, student and faculty who are identified as close contacts before and under isolation / quarantine currently can be released and come back to campus today (May 8).
  3. Students and faculty who never wear masks and have been exposed to a covid-19 infected person over 15 minutes within two days before his or her first symptom appearance can ask for a 3-day disease prevention leave. Those who take a disease prevention leave cannot go to campus.
  4. Confirmed cases must finish 7-day isolation / quarantine before coming back to the campus when having a negative test on the 8th day.

NYCU Covid-19 Response Team