- 戶外體育場館:使用人數依場館空間降載四分之三,各場館於明顯處標示實聯制QR code,人員進入場館前應落實實聯制,活動時全程配戴口罩,校方將不定期查核人員登記狀況
- 室內體育空間:使用人數依場館空間降載四分之三,落實實聯制、戴口罩及人流管制等相關防疫措施
- 游泳池暫不開放
- 其餘相關規範依指揮中心及教育部規定辦理
- 以外帶為原則
- 內用座位區人數降載,應採梅花座並設置隔板
- 落實實聯制,除用餐外全程配戴口罩
NYCU Epidemic Prevention Announcement
Due to the COVID-19 Level 3 alert being extended and adjusted, the following regulations will be implemented from July 13 on all campuses:
Gym: Only re-open to students and faculty.
- Outdoor sports area: QR-code for real-name registration should be displayed at a prominent position for users to scan and register. Mask-wearing is required. Campus faculty will patrol randomly. Each field’s maximum capacity for crowd-control is 25%.
- Indoor venues: real-name registration and crowd control are required and all users must wear a mask. Each venue’s maximum capacity for crowd-control is 25%.
- Swimming pools remain closed.
- Other regulations not mentioned above still follow the rules of CECC and MOE.
- Food for takeaway is the main rule and highly recommended.
- Restaurants that resume on all campuses must modify table-and-seating layouts and limit seating capacity to ensure social distancing.
- Real-Name Registration and mask-wearing are required.
All other restrictions not mentioned above still remain in effect, so please follow the restriction rules as before until any update is released.
NYCU Covid-19 Response Team