【陽明校區】陽明校區防疫期間住宿生活須知-0527 Notice of Living in the Dormitories on Yang Ming Campus during the COV-19 Pandemic Period-05/27

陽明校區 防疫時期住宿生活須知
Yang Ming Campus: Notice of Living in the dormitories
during the pandemic


一、 在宿舍寢室內請保持1.5公尺社交距離,若無法實行,請配戴口罩。於宿舍公共區域活動或外出時全程佩戴口罩並保持1公尺之社交距離。
Please keep 1.5 meters of social distance in your dormitory room. If not possible please wear a mask. Please continue to wear a mask and keep a social distance of 1 meter when you are in the shared public areas of the dormitories or going out in public.

二、 外食盡量不在餐廳內用餐,請外帶食物返回宿舍用餐。用餐時若室內有其他室友,仍請維持室內1.5公尺社交距離。
Please take your food to the dormitory instead of eating in the dining hall. If there are other roommates in the dormitory, please keep a social distance of 1.5 meters.

三、 請維持均衡飲食、規律作息,增進身體免疫能力。
Please keep a balanced diet, and a regular daily routine to help strengthen your immune system.

四、 室內禁止5人以上、室外10人以上之聚會。
It is forbidden to gather more than 5 people in the public areas of the dormitories and more than 10 people for outdoor activities.

五、 加強自我健康監測,有症狀應就醫。
Enhance your personal health monitoring and seek medical assistance if you have any symptoms.

六、 出現如發燒( ≥ 38˚C)、嗅/味覺異常、腹瀉或有呼吸道症狀,請立即佩戴醫用口罩,並通報1922防疫專線,依轉介指示至指定社區採檢院所就醫,且禁止搭乘大眾運輸工具前往。同時請通知衛保組(上班時間)或校安中心(下班時間),以利落實防疫工作。
If you have a fever (≥ 38˚C), abnormal smell/taste, diarrhea, or respiratory symptoms, please wear a medical mask immediately and call 1922 (the Immunization Hotline), then follow the instructions to go to a designated community health checkup center. Please also notify the Health and Safety Section during office hours or the School Security Center after business hours to facilitate the implementation of the epidemic prevention measures.

1. 校內通報專線 Campus Reporting Hotline
上班時間或平常日 Office Hour
陽明校區 02-2826-7000 轉 67212 (衛保組) 交大校區 03-5731906 (衛保組)
Yang Ming Campus: 02-2826-7000 ext. 67212 (Health and Medical Care Section) Chiao Tung Campus: 03-5731906 (Health Center)
下班時間或例假日 Closed Hours or Weekend & National Holiday
陽明校區 02-2826-1100 (校安中心) 交大校區 0972-705-757 (教官室)
Yang Ming Campus:02-2826-1100 (School Security Center) Chiao Tung Campus: 0972-705-757 ( Office for Military Training)

2. 防疫智能平台 Epidemic Prevention Smart Platform

陽明交大防疫智能平台註冊連結 http://health.nycu.edu.tw
或以手機掃描QR Code登入防疫智能平臺
Please register the Epidemic Prevention Smart Platform and self-report health status in the e-platform with http://health.nycu.edu.tw. Or scan the QR Code below to register or log in.

七、 配合防疫升級,宿舍區的外送點於以下三個地點為限,盡量無接觸取餐,敬請配合。
In response to the epidemic prevention upgrade, only three delivery points will be open in the dormitory areas, those are listed below:

(一) 五舍管制閘門以外
(二) 女三舍管制閘門以外
(三) 男一舍東側的木平台
i. Outside the outdoor control gate of Dorm 5
ii. Outside the outdoor control gate of female Dorm 3
iii.. The wooden platform on the East side of male Dorm 1

八、 防疫期間維持正常作息,可有適當活動維持身心平衡,若覺得睡不安穩、易發脾氣、緊張、害怕、心情低落,可找人聊聊,或請電話聯絡心理諮商中心。
If you feel restless, irritable, nervous, scared, or depressed, you can talk to someone or contact the Counseling Center. The contact information is as follows:

(一) 國際生:02-28267000#2239 呂諮商心理師
(二) 其他生:02-28267000#2026 許諮商心理師
i. For international students: 02-28267000#2239 Consultant Lui
ii. For other students: 02-28267000#2026 Consultant Hsu