【暑假轉學 】國立陽明交通大學因應「嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎 (COVID-19)」視訊面試注意事項 Notifications of NYCU Summer Transfer Candidate Online Oral Examination in response to COVID-19

Notifications of NYCU Summer Transfer Candidate Online Oral Examination in response to COVID-19

1、 學系將以電子郵件及電話通知考生於口試前測試視訊連線的時間。
The department will inform the candidate via email or phone call a time for checking their audio and video connection before the day of the oral examination.

2、 口試時間將於 6 月 23 日公告,考生不得指定口試時間或要求更改時間。
The time for the oral examination will be announced on June 23. Candidates cannot request a specific time or choose to reschedule the online oral examination time.

3、 視訊口試當天,請考生個人就位於無干擾的空間,並備妥「有效身分證件」正本(如國民身分證正本或護照、居留證、駕照或附有照片之健保 IC卡)提供查驗。
On the day of the online oral examination, please make sure the candidate is in a private room without distractions. The candidate should provide an original copy of a valid identification with photos (ID card, passport, ARC, driver’s license, NHI card).

4、 視訊口試時,不得有他人在場,確保口試過程不受干擾,且考生須接受口試委員之指示,利用攝影鏡頭環繞掃視所在場所,以資證明。
During the online oral examination, to ensure the candidate is taking the examination alone without distractions, the oral examination committee members will ask the candidate to move the webcam around the room.

5、 視訊口試時,若考生未能準時應試,口試委員得等候 5 分鐘(透過螢幕錄影以記錄時間),5 分鐘後考生如仍未上線,視同缺考。
If the candidate fails to get online at the scheduled time for the online oral examination, the oral examination committee members will wait for up to 5 minutes (based on the online recording). After the 5 minutes pass, the candidate will be considered absent.

6、 若考生未具視訊設備或網路而無法進行視訊口試,應於 6 月 30 日前提出說明,本校將另協助安排視訊場地。
If the candidate does not have video equipment or internet access to take the online oral examination, please inform the university before June 30. The university will arrange a room for the candidate to take the online oral examination.

7、 視訊口試有一定的風險。所有不能歸咎於校方之風險,由考生自行承擔, 請考生報名前務必審慎評估。
Taking an oral examination can be risky. The candidate should take the risks that they are comfortable accepting and which the university is not liable for. Please assess the risks carefully before registering for the examination.

8、 凡頂替或採用其他舞弊情事應試者,經檢舉查證屬實,將依本校入學考試試場規則及違規處理辦法,取消考試資格並通知其相關學校或機關依規定究辦。已入學者開除學籍,並應負法律責任,且不發給任何有關學業之證明;畢業後始發覺者,除勒令撤銷其學位證書外,並公告撤銷其畢業資 格。
Cheating on the examination is not permitted. If found to be in violation of the University’s code of conduct regarding examinations, the candidate will be disqualified from the examination. If the misconduct is found after their admission to the university, the student will be expelled from the university, or their degree will be revoked.

9、 考生於口試前應簽署【國立陽明交通大學暑假轉學招生考試因應嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎視訊口試申請表暨具結書】。
All candidates should sign the “Application and Affidavit Form for NYCU Summer Transfer Online Oral Examination in response to COVID-19” before conducting the online oral examination.

Application and Affidavit Form for NYCU Summer Transfer Online Oral Examination in response to COVID-19

I have read and understood the regulations of the online oral examination, and I understand that I will be disqualified from the online oral examination if any misconduct is found.

本人另同意,若通過審且合於申請視訊口試名單後,願配合報學考系安排之 口試時間,於口試前報到並連線。若無法保持連線,同意視缺考,亦不申請 補試。本人明白申請視訊口試有一定的風險,若網路無法順利連線,造成無法口試,其後果由本人自行承擔,亦同意負完全責任,絕無異議,特立此具結書為憑。
I agree that once my application is approved, I will follow the scheduled online oral examination time, and complete the connection test beforehand. I am aware that I would be considered absent if I cannot stay connected, and there will be no make-up examination. By signing this document, I declare that I will accept full responsibility for the risk and consequences of the online oral examination.

此 致 To

國立陽明交通大學 National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University


姓 名 Name:_____________(本人親簽 Signature)

身份證號(ID No.):_____________

Email:_____________ 行 動 電 話 Mobile Phone:_____________
申請日期: 年 月 日
Filing date: