20220427陽明交大防疫通報(20220427 NYCU Epidemic Prevention Announcement)



  1. 校內快篩試劑下周起暫停常規預約與課堂抽檢,優先提供校內匡列密切接觸者與第一線防疫同仁使用。
  2. 校內防疫宿舍優先提供境外生與離島生使用,本地生以返家居家隔離為原則。
  3. 確診者及國外入境須完成10+7天隔離後,第18天才可返校上課上班。
  4. 密切接觸者須完成3+4天居家隔離後,第8天才可返校上課上班。
  5. 職務宿舍開放輕症確診與密切接觸者之教職員就地隔離,會館僅供就地居家隔離使用。




20220427 NYCU Epidemic Prevention Announcement

In response to the latest pandemic situation, we would like to remind our students and faculty to comply with epidemic prevention measures as follows:

  1. The self-screen program and classroom random covid testing program both will be postponed on May. The self-test kits are reserved for close contacts and frontline healthy workers on campus.
  2. Students should isolate / quarantine at home. Campus disease prevention dorms will be reserved for international students and students who live in offshore island first.
  3. Confirmed cases and those who return to Taiwan from foreign countries must finish 10+7 isolation / quarantine before coming back to the campus.
  4. Close contacts must finish 3+4 isolation / quarantine before coming back to the campus.
  5. Faculty members who are infected and suffer mild cold-like symptoms or be identified as a close contact can stay in dorms. Guest houses only open for the guests who are infected during residency and need to isolate at home but cannot go back home immediately.


NYCU Covid-19 Response Team