20220413陽明交大防疫通報(20220413 NYCU Epidemic Prevention Announcement)




  1. 鼓勵下載台灣社交距離App。
    Android用戶請點此下載   IOS用戶請點此下載
  2. 建議老師上課、會議演講配戴口罩。
  3. 落實自我防護(Individual Universal Precautions , IUP),配戴口罩、勤洗手、善用學校篩檢亭。
  4. 密切接觸者才需要居家隔離。密切接觸者定義參考「教育部校園因應COVID-19疫情暫停實體課程實施標準


  1. 暫停實體課程以課堂為原則。各校區如有1/3以上科/系/所班級暫停實體課程10天,該校區得全面暫停實體課程,改採遠距教學或其他彈性措施。
  2. 實體課程暫停期間,得縮減上課週數,採一學分18小時彈性修課,以線上課程或於週間補課等方式辦理。
  3. 如校內出現確診個案,確診個案修課之班級、參與社團、搭乘交通車、同住宿舍、餐廳用餐等活動足跡之接觸人員,暫停實體課程1至3天,等待疫調結果。


20220413 NYCU Epidemic Prevention Announcement

In response to the latest pandemic situation, the NYCU Covid-19 Response Team would like to remind our faculty, students, and staff to comply with epidemic prevention measures as follows:

General principles of epidemic prevention

  1. Faculty and students are encouraged to use the Taiwan Social Distancing app.
    Android: click here to download         iOS: click here to download
  2. Faculty are encouraged to wear masks in classes and conferences.
  3. Adopt Individual universal precautions (IUPs): wear face masks, wash your hands frequently, and use testing booths on campus.
  4. Persons should be quarantined at home if they have a recent history of close contact with the COVID victim. The definition of close contact of covid-19, please refer to the guideline of Ministry of Education.

Classes and exams

  1. The campus should entirely suspend its classes for ten days when one-third of the entire campus classes are suspended. Online teaching classes must replace the suspended classes.
  2. In class suspension, instructors may adjust the course syllabus according to their demands—for example, rescheduling teaching time.
  3. The in-person class could be suspended for 1 to 3 days when any class participant shows an identical footprint to a covid victim in recent days, such as dormitory, restaurant, club, transportation, etc…

NYCU Covid-19 Response Team