2022年暑期本校教學相關活動由授課教師決定採取實體或線上舉行 Teachers are allowed to choice whether the summer cousres shift to online mode or not

  1. 因應新冠肺炎疫情逐漸趨緩,為兼顧防疫與教學品質,本校於2022年暑期的所有教學相關活動,由授課教師根據課程內容決定上課方式與成績評量方式。校外實習課程則依據該實習場域之規定進行。
    The pandemic is slowing down, considering epidemic prevention and teaching quality, teachers are allowed to decide his or her teaching methods and the ways of course assessment in summer semester. Off-campus internships follow the regulations of the internship sites.
  2. 碩博士班資格考口試、學位考試等得採視訊方式舉行,無需特別申請,於學位考試成績表紀錄即可,但所有口試委員須於同一時段共同參與。口試須簽名之文件由院系所以簽名電子檔或郵寄紙本方式辦理。若維持實體口試則需注意佩戴口罩、保持社交距離。
    Oral defense for the qualification examinations and thesis defenses may be conducted online via video conference mode. The students need to choose the examination method on the Degree Examination Grade Sheet; no additional application is required in advance. All committee members need to participate in the online oral exam simultaneously, no substitute allowed. Each college can determine whether video/audio documentation of the examinations is required. For the oral examination documents, each college can determine whether the documents be handled in e-file (electronic signature) or by direct mail (paper copies). For in-person oral exams, thesis committee members and students must wear mask and keep social distance.