0924陽明交大防疫通報( NYCU Epidemic Prevention Announcement)

NYCU Epidemic Prevention Announcement

We updated the following covid-19 restrictions that will be implemented after the Sep. 27:

課程與考試Curriculum & Exam):

  1. 為降低宿舍群聚風險,部分教室開放住宿生線上上課使用,教室內仍應遵守相關防疫規範。教室開放線上學習相關規定請詳見:https://aa.nycu.edu.tw/chcourse/news
    To reduce the risk of cluster infections, we will open some classrooms for resident students to watch online learning materials. All students who enter these classrooms for online learning should follow the COVID-19 prevention guidelines. The information about the abovementioned classrooms will be announced on the Office of Academic Affairs’s website: https://aa.nycu.edu.tw/chcourse/news
  2. 9/27後之課程,若能遵循以下防疫措施,可採實體上課:
    Courses that can adhere to the following guidelines can be held in-person after Sept. 27:

    1. 依據中央疫情指揮中心防疫規定,教室內上課人數上限為80人,固定座位。師生須全程配戴口罩、禁止飲食、落實手部消毒,人員間應維持社交距離1.5公尺/人(梅花座),並落實實聯制。進入教室前須先量測體溫及登記,上課期間教室需開窗以維持教室通風。進行實驗或實習課程時,應採固定分組,並徹底消毒設備、器材。
      According to the CECC’s (Central Epidemic Command Center) regulations in response to COVID 19, the maximum number of people allowed in one classroom is 80. Wearing masks is mandatory at all times and no food or drink is allowed. People should maintain social distance (1.5m), take and register their body temperatures before entering classrooms, and take checkerboard seating as indicated on the seat. Please keep windows wide open during class time to improve indoor air circulation in the classroom. When taking lab or internship courses, student grouping should be fixed throughout the semester. All instruments and accessories used in the course should be sterilized regularly.
    2. 實體授課課程之教室若無法符合上項之容量規定、或無可分流之教室,請教師改以:(1)線上與實體並行,或(2)全線上授課方式上課。
      If your in-person classes are not able to follow the above regulations regarding the maximum number of people, or there is no extra classroom to distribute students, we suggest our faculty turn to “hybrid classes” or “on-line classes”
    3. 所有實體上課課程均應有線上上課機制(同步或非同步),讓學生(境外生、離島公費生、居家檢疫、個人顧慮等)可以依照個人狀況彈性選擇。
      All in-person classes should still provide online options (synchronous or asynchronous) for foreign students, state financed off-shore island students, students under self-quarantine, or other personal considerations, etc.
    4. 實體上課師生需於「陽明交大健康管理平台」(https://ehms.nycu.edu.tw)登錄上課當日「健康評估」,每天登錄一次,若有防疫規定不適症狀者,應改為線上上課並儘速就醫。
      Teachers and students of in-person classes should login to the “NYCU Electronic Health Management System (EHMS)” (https://ehms.nycu.edu.tw) once a day and register “the assessment of health”. If you have any symptoms of COVID-19, please take your course online and follow the instructions to seek medical attention as soon as possible.
    5. 實體上課的班級,建議於上課期間每週隨機抽樣一位同學至衞保組所設快篩地點進行快篩,並鼓勵同學自行篩檢並登錄於健康管理平台。
      It is suggested that one in-person class student be randomly selected every week to do the COVID-19 Rapid Testing on campus (please contact the Health and Medical Section for COVID-19 Rapid Testing information) . We encourage all students to do the COVID-19 Rapid Testing and log into EHMS.
  3. 教室應依照相關防疫規定進行消毒及清潔,並保持室內通風良好。室內使用冷氣或中央空調時,應於教室對角處各開啟一扇門或窗,每扇至少開啟 15 公分。室內若通風不佳,可增設抽風扇或立扇加強對流。僅有一門之教室應避免使用。
    The classroom should be sanitized and cleaned under the epidemic prevention regulations, and improve air circulation. It is suggested that at least one door and one window be open in all classrooms to provide cross ventilation, the windows should be open approximately 15 cm. If indoor air quality is poor, it is suggested to utilize ceiling fans or portable fans. Classes should not be held in classrooms that have only one door.

體育課(P.E. Class):

  1. 體育課程開放實體授課 (包含游泳課),並依循教育部防疫規範準則進行授課。
    All P.E. Classes including swimming can be held in-person after Sept. 27.
  2. 體育室於各場館均備有酒精消毒機,請任課教師於課前確實督導上課學生完成手部清潔消毒。
    The P.E. Office shall set up the alcohol disinfection machines at all sport venues, the teachers must supervise students in sanitizing their hands before each class begins.
  3. 上課期間所有師生全程配戴口罩。
    Teachers and students must wear masks during the class time.
  4. 請任課教師於課程分組安排時盡量使學生保持安全社交距離,並避免身體接觸與交替使用器材。
    Teachers should remind students to maintain social distance when dividing students into groups. Please avoid contact with others and alternate use of the facilities is prohibited.
  5. 請確實點名並於上課期間掌握運動場域空間內人員之動向,避免學生於課間離開上課場地及非上課學生進入上課空間。
    Please do the roll call in class, and ensure which direction the people flow in the venue. Please avoid students leaving and non-students entering during class.
  6. 體育室於各場館均備有次氯酸水,請任課教師於下課前督導學生將器材設備進行清潔消毒。
    The P.E. Office provides hypochlorous acid-containing water in every sports venue, teachers must supervise students in the cleaning of all facilities after the class.
  7. 請任課教師於下課前確實清點器材並確實歸還器材室,勿將上課器材遺留於上課空間。
    Please check-out the sports equipment and return to the storeroom after the class. Do not leave any equipment in the class space.
  8. 依中央疫情指揮中心公告,本規定進行滾動式修正。
    Depending on the updated announcements of C.E.C.C., the regulations will be amended with time as needed.


  1. 入館措施調整及限制
    Changes and Restrictions of the Entrance to the Library

    • 開放入館對象:持有效借書證,不包含館合證及校外臨時證。
      Services are only available for readers with valid library cards(not including Interlibrary Loan Cards and temporary library cards).
    • 24小時自習室暫不開放。
      The 24hr study room remains closed.
    • 入館採實聯制(持證刷卡進出門禁)、配戴口罩、保持社交距離、閱覽座位採梅花座。
      For your protection, please observe the following safety precautions: Contact-information-based measures, checkerboard seating measures, maintaining social distance, and wearing masks at all times.
  2. 服務時間
    Opening Hours

    • 依暑期及學期時間正常開館,請詳見官網資訊
      The library will resume regular opening hours during summer break and the semester, please refer to our official website.
  3. 櫃臺服務
    Services at the Circulation Desk

    • 正常提供服務。
      Provide normal circulation services.
  4. 其他

    • 以上措施依疫情機動調整,請隨時留意圖書館官網最新消息。
      The epidemic prevention notice listed above will be adjusted according to the COVID-19 pandemic conditions. For the most updated information, please refer to the Library’s official websites.
    • 防疫期間請多加利用圖書館電子資源或線上教育訓練資源。
      During the epidemic period, please refer to the E-resources and online educational materials on the Library websites.
  5. 聯絡方式:
    Contact Information
The Library In (On) Yang Ming Campus
The Library In (On) Chiao Tung Campus
  • 諮詢入館或借還館藏,分機62311
    Circulation and general Services – Ext. 62311o
  • 館合或電子論文上傳,分機62227
    Interlibrary service and E-thesis Uploading- Ext. 62227
  • 諮詢入館或借還館藏,分機52636
    Circulation and general Services- Ext. 52636o
  • 館合與文獻傳遞服務,分機31644
    Interlibrary Service- Ext. 31644
  • 學位論文上傳,分機31885
    E-thesis Uploading- Ext. 31885


學生活動Student Activities and Club Venue Management):

  1. 社團活動空間採線上申請登記借用,並依指揮中心規定集會活動人數上限 (目前為室內80人、室外300人)進行人流(總量)管制。定期巡邏及清潔消毒,入口處量體溫、噴酒精,發燒或有上呼吸道症狀者禁止進入。人員採實聯制,全程佩戴口罩,保持社交距離,禁止飲食。不符集會活動相關規定者,應提防疫計畫,或依本校防疫規定辦理。
    Students can make online reservations for club activity space, and should follow CECC’s limits on the number of people at gatherings (80 people indoors, 300 people outdoors) and implement epidemic prevention measures including crowd controls, body temperature measurements, disinfections of the environment, real-name registration, wearing masks at all times, and keep social distance. People with a fever or exhibiting upper respiratory infection symptoms will not be permitted to enter the space. Food and drink is not allowed at indoor gatherings. Activities cannot meet covid-19 requirements, organizers should submit epidemic prevention proposals to school in advance.
  2. 陽明校區學生K書中心、休憩場所暫不開放,待與學生會協調開放時間及防疫措施後再另行公告開放。
    Study rooms and lounges will remain closed. We will announce the epidemic measures and opening hours after discussing with the Student Association.

學生請假Student Leave):

  1. 學生接種疫苗後,如有不良反應者,得申請疫苗假,疫苗假以三天為原則(含接種當日),不列入出缺席紀錄。學生申請疫苗假,須上傳COVID-19 疫苗接種紀錄卡作為證明以完成請假程序並不列入缺課紀錄。
    Students who receive the covid-19 vaccine can apply for 3 days vaccination leave (including the day of vaccination) with their vaccination record card.
  2. 所有「病假」申請,請於線上請假系統敘明生病癥狀,不需附證明文件,並完成請假手續,即准假。
    Students should indicate their symptoms of illness for “sick leave” applications in the online leave system. The applications will be approved once the procedures are completed.
  3. 學生因疫情請假(防疫假)期間,仍需與授課教師保持聯繫,並遵守課程相關規定。
    Students who take Disease Prevention Leave due to the pandemic still need to keep in touch with their instructors and abide by the regulations of their courses during the leave period.



Please refer to the bulletin of Employee Attendance System