【Yangming Campus】109 Academic Year Summer Housing Move-in and Move-out Schedule Adjustments (2021.6.7)


  1. 原訂的6/26~6/29宿舍遷出入,延期;原暑宿申請分配結果,取消。
  2. 暑宿期間:七月份7/1~7/31,和八月份8/1~8/26。
  3. 目前住宿生若有暑宿需求,須繳暑宿費,一律留在原寢室(現住的寢室)暑宿,不要搬動。
  4. 目前住宿生若不須暑宿,可於暑宿期間將物品留在原寢室內(請自行保管貴重物品),不用繳暑宿費,不用搬遷,但是個人的門禁權限要受到管制。
  5. 目前住宿生若於暑宿期間要遷出,請提前聯繫宿舍管理員辦公室(一舍:62317、62316;五舍:62335、62336)辦理遷出。
  6. 由於暑宿床位,須重新評估,因此,即日起,暫停暑宿剩餘床位之申請;已申請的,暫停公告其結果,請靜候通知。
  7. 女一、女二舍,暑期不施工,擬改為開學後施工。
  8. 男三舍B1和主要入口工程,預計暑期施工,不影響暑宿。
  9. 女三舍頂樓防水工程,預計暑期施工,不影響暑宿。

Due to the extension of the Level 3 alert to June 28, Yangming campus has adjusted the summer move-in/move-out/construction schedule as follows. Thank you for your cooperation.

  1. We will extend the move out dates (originally set for 6/26-6/29). The original summer housing application results are no longer valid.
  2. Summer Housing: July- 7/1~7/31; August- 8/1~8/26
  3. Current resident students who would like to apply for summer housing should pay for your accommodations and just stay at your current residence.
  4. Current resident students who don’t need summer housing can leave their belongings at your current residence without any extra charge (you are responsible for your own belongings). However, you will lose your access to your dormitory.
  5. If you would like to move out during the summertime , please contact the dormitory manager’s office (Dorm1~3: 62317, 62316; Dorm 5: 62335, 62336).
  6. Summer housing assignments need to be reassigned, so we are currently not accepting new summer housing applications. If you already submitted your application, please wait until further notice.
  7. The summer construction scheduled for Female Dorm 1 & 2 will be postponed until the start of next semester.
  8. The construction scheduled for Male Dorm B1 and the main entrance will be completed during the summertime , and will not affect the summer residents .
  9. The rooftop waterproofing scheduled for the Female Dorm 3 dormitory will be completed during the summertime , and will not affect the summer residents .