實體課程上課注意事項(Important Notice on In-person Class)

  1. 實體課程改為線上授課期間,得縮減上課週數,採一學分18小時彈性修課,以線上課程或於週間補課等方式辦理。
    During the period of transition from in-person classes to online, the total number of class weeks can be shortened with make-up classes or online classes to meet the 18 hours per credit requirements.
  2. 如校內出現確診個案,確診個案修課之班級、參與社團、搭乘交通車、同住宿舍、餐廳用餐等活動足跡之接觸人員,暫停實體課程1至3天,等待疫調結果。
    Once confirmed cases are found on campus, the in-person classes of those who have overlapping public footprints with the confirmed cases should be suspended one to three days until the end of contact tracing.
  3. 若實體授課仍需遵守下列防疫措施:
    In-person classes should adopt the following measures:

    1. 所有實體上課課程需有線上上課機制(同步或非同步),讓學生(隔離、檢疫或自主健康管理等無法到校者)可以保持同步學習確保受教權。
      All in-person classes should still provide online options (synchronous or asynchronous) for foreign students, state financed off-shore island students, students under self-quarantine, or other personal considerations, etc.
    2. 教室採固定座位及固定成員方式進行,如無法採固定座位時,請每次上課拍照留存,以供後續疫調需求。
      Fixed seating arrangements and fixed members are required. If the seating cannot be arranged accordingly, please take a photo of every single class should there arise a need for a future Epidemic Control Investigation.
    3. 教師及學生進行實體課程時,應全程配戴口罩 ,落實手部消毒,上課期間禁止飲食。進入館舍或教室前須先量測體溫及登記。上課期間教室需開窗以維持教室通風。進行實驗或實習課程時,應採固定分組,並徹底消毒設備、器材。
      All students and faculty should wear masks at all times and disinfect their hands, and no food or drink is allowed during the class time. People should take and register their body temperatures before entering classrooms. Please keep windows wide open during class time to improve indoor air circulation in the classrooms. When taking lab or internship courses, student grouping should be fixed throughout the semester. All instruments and accessories used in the course should be sterilized regularly.
    4. 音樂課程除歌唱、吹奏類樂器外,其他項目學生均需全程佩戴口罩,並請酌以調整練習時間,避免因長時間佩戴口罩造成不適。以使用個人樂器為原則,吹奏類應使用專屬吹嘴,不得共用。
      Students and faculty should wear masks in music classes. When playing wind instruments, the students and faculty can remove their masks. However the masks should be placed on again after playing. Instructors should be aware of the practice time to avoid face mask discomfort. In most cases, students should use their own instruments. Those playing wind instruments should avoid sharing mouthpieces with others.
  4. 教室應依照相關防疫規定進行消毒及清潔,並保持室內通風良好。室內使用冷氣或中央空調時,應於教室對角處各開啟一扇門或窗,每扇至少開啟 15 公分。室內若通風不佳,可增設抽風扇或立扇加強對流。僅有一門之教室應避免使用。
    The classroom should be sanitized and cleaned under the epidemic prevention regulations. Steps should be taken to improve air circulation in the classroom. It is suggested that at least one door and one window be open in all classrooms to provide cross ventilation, and the windows should be open approximately 15 cm. If indoor air quality is poor, it is suggested to utilize ceiling fans or portable fans. Classes should not be held in classrooms that have only one door.