【線上考試】因應疫情線上考試建議方案 Suggestions for online exams in Response to COVID-19

  1. 因應新冠肺炎疫情持續高漲,為保障師生安全、避免群聚感染,至6/14(週一)校園內任何實體教學活動(包括講授、實驗、考試、體育等等),一律強制改以線上教學、暫停並延期舉行、或取消。

    Due to the rise of the COVID-19 alert level, all on-site learning activities, including lectures, lab courses, exams, and physical education, must be changed to online, suspended, postponed, or canceled.
  2. 線上考試建議方案:
    a. 出題/答題方式:(1) 在E3數位教學平台上出題、學生線上作答;(2) 於E3公布試題電子檔,請學生自備紙張作答後拍照回傳。
    b. 監考方式:學生需自備攝影機或手機,考試期間開啟軟體視訊會議,請學生各自架設攝影機/手機並拍攝其作答實況(鏡頭避開作答區),由老師或助教全程監看。學生作答場所應光線良好、環境安靜且周圍並無其他非測驗相關之物品,以利視訊監考。

    Suggestions for online exams:
    a. Teachers prepare the questions on the E3 system for students to answer on the E3 system. Teachers upload the e-file of problems to the E3 system. Students answer the questions on paper and submit via picture(s).
    b. Exam monitoring: Teachers or TAs will monitor all students during the exams via video conference. Students need to prepare cameras or smart phones and video themselves while taking exams online. Remind students to have a quiet and bright environment for the exams and camera angles should avoid areas containing test answers.