【交大校區】住宿生防疫作業流程【ChiaoTung Campus】Dormitory Quarantine Procedure_20230325

In accordance with the guidelines of the Ministry of Education:
Starting March 20, as regards the mild Covid cases have been issued to cancel the quarantine, and instead follow a “0+n” formula for their self-health monitoring period. As soon as you receive a negative result on a rapid antigen test, you can return to your current accommodation from the Yishuan dormitory.


Yishuan Dormitory Quarantine Information

  1. 日常生活有關浴室、廁所之使用,使用完畢請用酒精消毒門把、水龍頭及雙手。
    Clean the doorknob, faucet, and your hands with sanitizer after using the sanitary facilities.
  2. 請同學利用外送平台訂餐(務必於訂餐備考欄註記:若找不到逸軒宿舍,請電洽宿舍管理員0963565500,餐點請送至逸軒門口小桌子),請同學戴口罩至該棟宿舍門口取餐並回房內用餐。換洗之衣物請自行處理清潔,並於寢室內晾乾。
    When ordering food from outside, please specify to the food deliver as follows: if you cannot find the dormitory, please contact the dorm manager 0963565500.  Please place the food on the small table at the entrance of the dormitory.  Please wear a mask and collect your meals at dorm entrance, and eat inside your room.   Do the laundry yourself, and dry your clothes inside your room (laundry machines are located on the 3rd floor and are free of charge, drop $10 to start the machine and retrieve the coin from the other side of the coin slot).
  3. 樓層衛浴採常態性環境清潔,以1:100(500ppm)漂白水稀釋液,分發清潔員穿防護衣每日二次常規消毒,含地板、門把、衛浴間、水龍頭等;廁所以1:10(500ppm)漂白水稀釋液清潔。垃圾請打包好,以利清潔人員定點回收處理。
    The public area on each floor is disinfected twice a day regularly, including floors, doorknobs, shower rooms, toilets, faucets…etc (the cleaning workers will have protective gear for COVID-19).  Please neatly pack your garbage and put it in the specified place for the collection by the cleaning workers.
  4. 各區衛浴入口設有消毒液置放處,由同學盥洗前、後自取消毒使用(含漂白水及酒精噴霧器)。寢室垃圾袋裝滿後打包好,放置於寢室門口外。
    There are hand sanitizer and antiseptic solutions provided at the entrance of each shower room.  Additionally, pack your room garbage well when they are full and put it outside of the room door for the collection by the cleaning workers.
  5. 如廁後請同學確實落實手部衛生清潔,視情況使用乾性洗手液(酒精)進行手部清潔。Please wash your hands after using the toilet.
  6. 宿舍水、電、瓦斯相關設備如需修繕,請電話通知宿舍管理人員(電話:0963565500)協助換房。
    Call the dorm manager at 0963-505500 for changing the room when any facility is out of order.
  7. 隔離期間若需心理輔導,可透過電話或線上聯繫系心理師進行線上諮詢與諮商服務。系心理師負責系所與聯繫方式請查詢http://online-counsel.nctu.edu.tw/
    If you need to consult with a therapist, please talk to them on the phone or online. The contact information for the psychiatry department can be found at http://online-counsel.nctu.edu.tw/
  8. 隔離期間如有發燒現象或不適請通知健康中心衛生保健組(專線:03-5731906)及宿舍管理中心(分機:0963565500) 。夜間則通知教官室(專線:03-5131339),以利本校疫情管理。
    If you have a fever or any discomfort symptoms during day time, call the Health Center direct line at 03-5731906 and inform the Residence Management Center at 0963565500.  If you have a fever or any discomfort symptoms at night, please call the Military Education Office at 03-5131339.
  9. 請同學確實遵守上述各項檢疫規定,若未確實遵行者,除依台灣政府違反「傳染病防治法」第48、58條辦理外,並依國陽明交通大學學生獎懲辦處理,嚴重者將退宿或開除學籍。
    Anyone who fails to comply with the rules during his/her quarantine as mentioned above will be deemed guilty in accordance with Taiwanese Law, and be subject to disciplinary action by NYCU.
  10. 相關資訊請參閱國立陽明交通大學防疫專區https://covid-news.nycu.edu.tw、疾病管制局https://www.cdc.gov.tw/ 及中央流行防疫指揮中心。
    You can also visit the COVID-19 websites as follows for more Information—
    * Visit   https://www.nctu.edu.tw/ncov-news for the updates from NCTU
    * Visit   https://www.cdc.gov.tw/ for updates from Taiwan’s Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC)