111學年度第1學期教學相關活動措施 The learning-related activities in the first semester of the Fall Semester of the Academic Year 2022-2023

  1. 各項課程依原排定授課方式進行。
    All courses will be conducted in the same manner as scheduled.
  2. 實體上課課程若有學生屬於等候入境之境外生、檢疫、確診、居家隔離、自主防疫等無法到課者,請學生聯繫任課老師提供同步或非同步線上上課機制,以確保學習受教權。學生可透過E3系統課程內的寄信功能聯繫老師或助教,若無法順利聯絡任課老師或助教,可向課務一二組尋求協助。
    If students are unable to attend in-person courses due to waiting to inbound, quarantine, tested positive for COVID-19, home isolation or self-initiated epidemic prevention, etc, please contact the teachers to provide a synchronous or asynchronous online class mechanism to ensure the right to learn. Students may contact teachers or teaching assistants through the mail function in the E3 system. If students are unable to contact their teachers or teaching assistants, who may seek assistance from the 1st and 2nd Division of Curriculum.
  3. 實驗課與實體操作課程等不適合採行線上方式進行者,等候入境之境外生、檢疫、確診、居家隔離、自主防疫等無法到課學生可依規定向任課老師請假,防疫假不列入缺席扣分紀錄。
    Students who are unable to attend the courses that are not suitable for online courses including lab courses and practical operation courses due to they are waiting to inbound, quarantine, tested positive for COVID-19, home isolation or self-initiated epidemic prevention, etc. Those students may request leave from their teachers in accordance with the regulations, Epidemic prevention leave is not included absence deduction record.
  4. 校外實習課程請依據實習場域規定辦理。
    For off-campus internship courses, please follow the regulations of the internship field.
  5. 教師及學生進行實體課程時,應全程配戴口罩 ,落實手部消毒,上課期間禁止飲食。
    Teachers and students attend the in-person courses should wear masks throughout the whole class, implement hand disinfection, and prohibit eating and drinking during the class.
  6. 教室應依照相關防疫規定進行消毒及清潔,並保持室內通風良好。Classrooms should be disinfected and cleaned in accordance with the relevant epidemic prevention regulations and be well ventilated.
  7. 以上措施會隨教育部發布之防疫指引進行彈性調整。
    The above measures will be adjusted flexibly according to the epidemic prevention guidelines issued by the Ministry of Education.